Sunday, July 12, 2020

Resume Writing Kills in Resume Writing

Resume Writing Kills in Resume WritingOne of the hardest things for me to understand when I was beginning to write my first resume was that I would never get any more than a few words in my resume and I started looking at resumes looking for those few words. What a mistake.The first thing that most employers notice about your resume is what you wrote in it. If you're able to put a lot of words in it, then they don't see that. And if you're using words that have nothing to do with what you did, you won't be considered at all.So many people just put a lot of words in their resumes, thinking that they will make their resume look impressive. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, hiring managers will not even look at resumes that have over 10K words on them. They want to know if the person can get their job done or not.With that said, let's look at how putting words in your resume will hurt you in the eyes of a hiring manager. What does a hiring manager look for? They look for things like experience, education, and skills (i.e.Another thing they look for is that you have some real work experience, particularly if you haven't done a lot of it. The thing is, experience and skills are not the same thing and I'll explain why.Reading - When you read someone's resume, you see what's on the paper, not what the person has been doing for the past two years. It is at this point in the hiring process that hiring managers become most impressed by someone who they actually saw do something. This type of writing skills in resume writing.Actions -If you truly had done the work, the resume has not gotten to read. You will get a second look if you send a resume through the mail with a cover letter attached. That's how you get a third look in a hiring manager's eyes.So there you have it, things you should not put in your resume that will kill your chances of getting the interview. Put some good writing and go through some of the tips above to get your resume on the right track. Now get out there and start writing some resume!

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