Monday, July 27, 2020

Prepare for Your SHRM Certification Exams - Workology

Prepare for Your SHRM Certification Exams - Workology Preparing For Your SHRM-SCP and SHRM-CP HR Exams   Looking for more resources as you work towards your HR certification? Join the HR Certification Study Group on Facebook. As the deadline approaches for the SHRM and HRCI certification exams, you might be feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information you have to absorb in a short period of time. Having a strategy to help you take in and retain study materials is the key to your success. Here, I’ll go over some tips to help you prepare and study for your certification exam. Preparing For Your SHRM-SCP and SHRM-CP HR Exams   We’ve established that certification is important and can help you further your career. Since most of us are working at demanding jobs and managing home lives while we’re studying, it might feel like the pressure on your schedule and bandwidth is just too much. I’ve written about some “brain hacks” that can help alleviate this pressure, like making sure your basic human needs (nutrition, sleep, exercise) are tended to while you work towards your goal. So once we’ve met these basic needs, how do we study for the exam?   Schedule learning over a period of time While it’s tempting to set aside a weekend for a cram session reading the materials, learning over time is much more effective to help you retain the information. This requires consistency and a schedule, and is also known as the “spacing effect.”   Dartmouth College published a study on the spacing effect and its results on two groups of learners, One was given a speech six times in a single day, and the second was given the speech three times a day over three days. The research found that students who received the information repetitively over a longer period of time remembered the speech more accurately and even a month later could recall it. The group that “crammed” study of the speech had very poor results in recollection, both immediately and a month later.   Programs like our Ace the HR Exam Course as well as our SHRM Certification Prep Course , break your studying down into manageable bites with multiple deadlines, setting you up with a series of accomplishment milestones as opposed to a singular finish date. This helps to ensure you have absorbed each section of exam prep as an item you can check off of a list, and holds you accountable for the deadline for each section. Vary methods of study The learning pyramid,” developed by the National Training Laboratory, shows that most students remember about 10% of what they read, but retain nearly 90% of what they learn through teaching others. The Learning Pyramid model suggests that some methods of study are more effective than others and that varying study methods will lead to deeper learning and long-term retention. Having a mix of flashcards, audio glossary, practice tests, content review with study groups, and talking about the subject matter will help improve your chances of acing the certification exam immensely. Unfortunately, we can’t just jump from lecture to teaching. This is why I suggest using different methods to vary your learning. Personally, I love reading and then writing down what I’ve learned or talking about it with that accountability partner, a study group or a friend. I also really love audio learning in the form of podcasts because I can multitask doing things that don’t require a lot of brain power and those messages become somewhat subliminal and help reinforce the learning.   Know your own learning style I am a visual and audio learner. Adapting your study methods to your own learning style can speed up the process and make it easier for you to retain the information you need to pass your exam. Different people absorb information in different ways. Flashcards are great if you’re a visual learner, but if you’re a tactile learner, you need to “do” in order to learn, so situational questions and solutions help you develop a strategy as opposed to memorizing the information. Practice tests can be helpful as well. Auditory learners are good at remembering what they hear as they learn information through auditory representation. As I mentioned above, most of us don’t fall into a single category for learning style and most of us can benefit from multiple methods. Audio learning is one of the most adaptable and common learning styles, and for HRCI and SHRM certification prep, there are lots of advantages to audio courses, including being able to multitask (listen while driving or even while sleeping) while internalizing the information. This works especially well for the hundreds of glossary terms that you’ll need to learn. Don’t go it alone In order to achieve mastery I recommend spending at least 6 months studying and preparing for the exam. My best recommendation is to study and prepare over the course of 10 months. You can’t do it alone though. This should be a group effort to allow for the highest level of learning and knowledge retention. Having study buddies or accountability partners like an online community of people who are also studying for their certification can be the support you need to keep up with your study schedule and a cheering section when it comes time to take your exam. Learn and connect concepts by “chunking” study content Breaking large amounts of information into smaller subsections helps your brain put this information into categories that you can access more easily later. Identify similarities or patterns and organize the information into smaller concepts. It’s essentially reducing your cognitive load, because our brains understand small bits of a lot of information (seven-digit phone numbers, passwords, the items on our grocery lists) better than large swaths of information. Finally, it’s never too early to start preparing. No matter if you have months or weeks to study, start with creating a schedule and commit to it. Find online communities and accountability partners. Use a variety of learning methods and lean heavily on repetition and practice quizzes. You’ll want to go into your testing with confidence, and all of the above can help you feel prepared to ace your exam. Looking for more resources as you work towards your HR certification? Join the HR Certification Study Group on Facebook.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

53 Little Things You Can Do to Impact Diversity at Your Company

53 Little Things You Can Do to Impact Diversity at Your Company At the point when it comes todiversity and incorporation (DI), I frequently discover individuals intensely contending on the side of making a progressively various and comprehensive working environment and afterward losing steam on the doing part. It tends to be hard to tell how to drive the progress ahead, particularly if DI isnt an aspect of your responsibilities description.After battling with this myself, I began this rundown as a method of conceptualizing each and every discrete activity I could consider to move the needle on DI. You know, stuff thatanybody inany association can actuallydo. Since all things considered, DI is everyones obligation, and aggregate exertion is expected to truly make an impact.So right away, here are 53 seemingly insignificant details that you can do to improve DI at your organization, paying little heed to where you work or what you do. Theyre arranged when duty required, from under an hour to progressing over months or years.1 hour:1. Tune in to ind ividuals who dislike you.2. Put your favored pronouns in your email signature.3. Raise DI with your chief. Ask What are we doing on our team?4. Give criticism on your companys DI efforts.5. Promote DI activity occasions on social. Show individuals this is something you care about - it can have a major effect in the employing process.6. Check and comprehend your benefit bytaking this test.7. Let's assume I esteem your point of view to individuals who bring an alternate sentiment or viewpoint.8. Brief remote gathering members for questions or thoughts.9. At the point when you have a moment with authority, get some information about what were doing automatically to improve DI.10. Show that you care about somebody. Not certain how to do that? Saying I care about you never hurts.11. Take thistest to comprehend your certain bias.12. Brief somebody whos hesitant to share their contemplations. Chiefs, ask how individuals who are not being heard how theyd want to contribute (composed, verbal , and so forth.), and what boundaries remain in their way.13. Ask your friends in another office what's going on in their office/country.14. Make an unknown review for your group, and ask how they would rate DI in the group and give proposals of where and how to improve.15. On the off chance that youre not certain how to articulate someones name, ask, and afterward make certain to articulate it accurately going forward.16. Have an answer when work applicant or another person asks What is your organization doing to improve DI?17. Have an answer when an applicant or another person inquires as to Why do you care about DI?18. Invest some energy in LinkedIn sourcing various up-and-comers and adding them to your companys candidate following system.19. Get out terrible conduct when you see it.20. In the event that somebody gives you helpful input identified with DI, fight the temptation to get guarded. Rather, tune in, express gratitude toward them for their input, own up to the effect of your activities, and focus on improve.21. Offer your experience.22. Check language that causes somebody to feel other.23. Watchthis video to get familiar with inclusion.24. Run sets of expectations and other competitor confronting duplicate through Textio to hail one-sided language (make a free record here).25. Offer articles on social issues and brief a conversation.26. Proactively request helpful criticism: Am I successfully frustrate incorporation in this group, and assuming this is the case, what?27. If all else fails, have a discussion. State something rather than nothing.28. Dont hinder in meetings.29. Supporter for others.30. UseShine Theory.31. Ask your associates how their day is going and truly listen.32. Add another proposal to this list!~1-5 hours:33. System and watch champion individuals. Associate on LinkedIn, check in every now and then, and keep them warm for selecting down the line.34. Go to fondness bunch occasions - both inward and outer. Offer your learnings with your colleagues.35. Watch GooglesUnconscious Bias preparing video.36. Meeting dependent on capabilities and likely versus carefully past experience.37. Effectively expand your wellsprings of data and media.38. Offer workshops, preparing programs, or tutoring with the goal that individuals who dont have what it takes your group requires today can get them.39. Incorporate DI in your self-review.40. On the off chance that theres not an ERG (Employee Resource Group) for a specific proclivity gathering, start one.41. Make your group occasions comprehensive of various lifestyles.42. On the off chance that youre liable for remotely confronting security, be aware of pictures, pronouns, and accessibility.43. Make your meeting board diverse.44. Investigate daze talking with practices for your team.45. When youre organizing with different people in a comparative job to yours remotely, ask What are you doing to improve DI at your organization, and what tips would you be able to portion of what s been effective?46. Backing your companys ERGs through joining in, chipping in at occasions, recommending speakers, etc.Longer-term/Ongoing:47. Put forth an attempt to sit with various gatherings at organization excursions, or take somebody you dont know to out espresso. Be aware of default inclining toward the individuals you know or are the most agreeable with.48. Put forth a decision to effectively bolster DI attempts at your organization. DI it doesnt simply occur; it requires a commitment.49. Volunteer with associations that help underrepresented populaces in building workforce skills.50. Consider the individuals you normally separation yourself from. Deliberately advance toward them instead.51. Guide somebody (inside or outside of HubSpot).52. Acknowledge that you might not have the entirety of the appropriate responses, and that is okay.Special because of Winston Tuggle, Melissa Obleada, People Of Color at HubSpot (POCaH), and Katie Burke for their thoughts and help with thi s post.- - This post initially showed up onHubSpot.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Resume Writing Kills in Resume Writing

Resume Writing Kills in Resume WritingOne of the hardest things for me to understand when I was beginning to write my first resume was that I would never get any more than a few words in my resume and I started looking at resumes looking for those few words. What a mistake.The first thing that most employers notice about your resume is what you wrote in it. If you're able to put a lot of words in it, then they don't see that. And if you're using words that have nothing to do with what you did, you won't be considered at all.So many people just put a lot of words in their resumes, thinking that they will make their resume look impressive. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, hiring managers will not even look at resumes that have over 10K words on them. They want to know if the person can get their job done or not.With that said, let's look at how putting words in your resume will hurt you in the eyes of a hiring manager. What does a hiring manager look for? They look for things like experience, education, and skills (i.e.Another thing they look for is that you have some real work experience, particularly if you haven't done a lot of it. The thing is, experience and skills are not the same thing and I'll explain why.Reading - When you read someone's resume, you see what's on the paper, not what the person has been doing for the past two years. It is at this point in the hiring process that hiring managers become most impressed by someone who they actually saw do something. This type of writing skills in resume writing.Actions -If you truly had done the work, the resume has not gotten to read. You will get a second look if you send a resume through the mail with a cover letter attached. That's how you get a third look in a hiring manager's eyes.So there you have it, things you should not put in your resume that will kill your chances of getting the interview. Put some good writing and go through some of the tips above to get your resume on the right track. Now get out there and start writing some resume!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

How Your Body Language Can Get You (Or Lose You) That Job

How Your Body Language Can Get You (Or Lose You) That Job Non-verbal communication is significantâ€"its actually no embellishment to state that it can represent the moment of truth you in the prospective employee meet-up circumstance. Your nonverbal correspondence in these circumstances is nearly as significant as what you state. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-advertisement 1467144145037-0'); }); Study up and gain proficiency with these tips for how (and how not) to utilize your non-verbal communication to help, instead of hurt you hands on hunt.Body Language Don'tsAvoid Eye ContactKeep predictable, yet non-unpleasant, eye to eye connection with whomever you are talking with. Stay away from the compulsion to investigate their outfits, or to filter the workplaces behind them, or the photographs around their work area. Concentrate on the discussion. Spare the remainder of the sneak looks for later.SlouchSit up straight in your best force posture to abstain from looking as crushed or collapsed or depleted as you fee l. In case you're feeling lively and peppy, you should not have to slump in any case! Simply be cautious what your body is doing.Zone OutEveryone scatters every now and then. In any case, doing as such while another person is talking is very amateurish and discourteous. Your scattering may even incorporate substantial prompts you wouldn't see yourself doingâ€"like fidgeting your foot or drooping or having your eyes stare off into the great unknown. Give dynamic consideration and you'll be fine.Lean AwayThis makes whomever you're conversing with accept you aren't tuning in or aren't generally interested.Blink Too Much/Too LittleYou truly can't win with squinting. Attempt to locate a cheerful and regular medium. Flicker not to an extreme, however not never!Cross Your Arms/LegsThis may cause you to feel progressively good or calm, yet it can likewise make you look cut off to whatever the individual you are conversing with is stating/offering/discussing. Keep your non-verbal communicati on open.Body Language DosSit RightDon't slump, yet be cautious additionally not to stand or sit up excessively straight, in case you appear to be inflexible. Attempt to locate a characteristic stance that works for you and doesn't tip excessively far into either extreme.Lean InLeaning marginally towards your questioner can be a method of demonstrating your commitment with the discussion and the thoughts being introduced. It makes you look anxious, so don't lean in excessively far or you may appear to be desperate.Fold Your HandsNo thought how to manage your hands? Take a stab at keeping them collapsed in your lap, instead of intersection them. This likewise shields you from squirming. Remember to utilize them to signal occasionally when you're talking however. Not moving your arms at all can make you look mechanical and weird.Nod PeriodicallyDon't simply sit and gaze without moving when your questioner is talking. Have a go at gesturing alongside what they're statingâ€"once more, no t all that much, or you'll resemble a bobble head.Make a Strong ExitHow you leave the meeting is similarly as basic as how you appeared. Stand up, accumulate your things, give an exceptional handshake, look and clarify what a joy it was talking with them and emphasize that you are so quick to talk further about the chance. At that point stride out like you own the spot!