Friday, December 27, 2019

Using Neutrons to Detect Explosive Devices

Using Neutrons to Detect Explosive Devices Using Neutrons to Detect Explosive Devices Using Neutrons to Detect Explosive DevicesOne of the greatest threats to ground troops today is improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Methods used for detecting behauptung devices are low-tech, dangerous, and time-consuming, often relying on visual identification or explosives-sniffing dogs. Therefore the U.S. military is eager to find a reliable technology that can detect these devices from a distance and alert moving troops, before they arrive at the IED location.Any effective solution must be portable, reliable, durable, and extremely sensitive at a large standoff distance. Neutron-based, explosive-detection technologies have been tried in the past. However, due to relatively weak ungeladenes nukleon source strength, detection standoff distances have been limited to one meter or less.A high-yield neutron generator. Image Phoenix Nuclear LabsThanks to the development of a high-voltage, nuclear fusi on-based particle accelerator technology by Phoenix Nuclear Labs (PNL) in Monona, WI, this standoff distance has now been extended to 30 meters, with a high degree of accuracy. If widely deployed, this detection technology will save thousands of military and civilian lives.How It WorksThe detection technology is based on a neutron generator that is 1,000 times stronger than conventional accelerator-based neutron generators.This is achieved by accelerating deuterium at 300,000 volts into a gaseous target to generate nuclear fusion reactions.Key features include a microwave-based electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source, electrostatic accelerator, and differential pumping system that utilizes multiple gas-pumping technologies, notes Ross Radel, president of Phoenix Nuclear Labs.Called ausgleichende strafende gerechtigkeit (neutron emitting mobile explosives sensing and identification system), the device can generate steady state neutron production as high as 1014 neutrons per sec ond. The broad energy spectrum allows the determination of all key nuclear elemental signatures nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, silicon, and iron. Using a very intense neutron source solves many of the challenges that face neutron generators, such as false-positive responses to silicon, wet soil conditions, and background detection of nitrogen in air. Neutron time behavior and active background leads to efficient multi-tier decision process with a probability of detection of greater than 95% and a probability of false detection of less than 5%, in operationally relevant time frames.When nitrogen is hit by neutrons, it emits high-energy gamma rays. Image Phoenix Nuclear LabsThe high-flux neutron generator is mounted to a vehicle at head of the convoy, emitting a pulsed neutron beam in the direction of travel. When the neutron beam interacts with a hidden IED, the explosive materials in the IED emit characteristic radiation signals that are detected either by the lead vehicle. Exp losive materials have a unique chemical composition (including especially high levels of nitrogen and oxygen) that distinguishes them from other materials. When nitrogen is hit by neutrons, it emits high-energy gamma rays that can be detected by simple radiation detectors. Detecting these gamma rays is what identifies the presence of an IED.Because NEMESIS directly detects the explosive material itself, rather than the metallic bomb components, the so-called detection-proof bombs that are made without metal, wires, or electronic triggering mechanisms are just as easy to detect as any other bombs, says Radel.The technology is as effective for homemade, fertilizer-based explosives as it is for advanced military explosives.Future ApplicationsThis technology can also detect special nuclear material (SNM) like uranium-235 or plutonium, which can be used to make nuclear weapons. Passive detection technologies do not work well for SNM because fissile material is weakly radioactive and easy to shield. However, fissile materials do emit intense bursts of neutrons and gamma rays when bombarded with neutrons, which means they can be easily detected with NEMESIS.Weve known for some time that certain types of improvised explosive devices can potentially go undetected through existing scanners that use X-rays, says Radel. The beauty of our system is that it can detect unconventional explosives, such as homemade explosives, that might not be caught by existing security infrastructure.Phoenix Nuclear Labs is also using its core neutron generator technology for other applications, such as neutron radiography (an analog to conventional X-ray radiography) and quality assurance applications for military, aerospace, and composite material components.The core neutron generator is also being used by SHINE Medical Technologies to produce medical isotopes. Radel is also eager to use the technology for humanitarian missions, such as clearing land mines, which kill 15,000 to 20,000 peop le every year.Mark Crawford is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionThe detection technology is based on a neutron generator that is 1,000 times stronger than conventional accelerator-based neutron generators.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

6 Tips for Making the Most of LinkedIn in 5 Minutes

6 Tips for Making the Most of LinkedIn in 5 Minutes6 Tips for Making the Most of LinkedIn in 5 MinutesLove it or loathe it, LinkedIn is one of the most powerful networking platformsfor many job seekers, andone of the most widely used tools among hiring managers and recruiters for finding and vetting top talent.In fact, one survey found that a whopping 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn as part of their recruiting process.So, needless to say, your LinkedIn profile and activity can play a pretty major role in your job search.The good news is, there are plenty of things you can do in even just five minutes to improve your profile, expand your network, and generally start making the most of LinkedIn.Here are six tips for making the most of LinkedIn1. Get social. In the Fast Company piece, If You Can Only Spare 15 Minutes a Week for LinkedIn, Do This, its recommended for users to get social. How? Start by liking peoples posts who are in your industry (or who youd like to make a connection wit h), or offer advice or tips to others. You can even endorse peoples skills- just make sure you really know the person and can vouch for what youre praising- then hope that the lovefest is requited for your profile, too.2. Update your photo. Recently got new headshots? Post an up-to-date and professional photo that represents the current you- not the you from 15 years ago.For more tips on how to choose the right photo, check out this post3. Share. Show off your expertise by sharing interesting information you come across. Remember that these articles or studies should relate to your industry or professional interest. (So no, were not suggesting you share the latest viral video of dancing dogs.) Be sure to include a quick write-up of why youre sharing it, why its important, and/or any opinions you have on it, and youll slowly but surely start building some LinkedIn cred.4. Update, and edit, edit, edit.Sure, you filled out all the sections in your LinkedIn profile, but when was the las t time you actually looked at it? At this point, some of the info you have on your profile is sure to be out of date, so take a fiver and go through each section. Remove any mistakes, like misspellings, an incorrect name, and links that no longer work. Make sure that your profile is up-to-date, neat and tidy, since its a real representation of you and your work. Plus, some employers compare your resume and your LinkedIn profile. You want to make sure that they match. Remember, sloppy is as sloppy does.5. Write away. LinkedIns blogging platform allows every user the ability to write about whats on their mind. But if youre thinking, Im not a writer, that doesnt matter. You need to take advantage of this great feature, and keep in mind that you dont have to pen the next great American novel. Five minutes. Youcan easily write a blog post in five minutes, if its about something youre passionate about. It can be short and sweet, and once you get used to writing (and get positive feedback for your thoughts and ideas) youll likely want to write more.6. Follow, and unfollow.Be strategic and smart about who you connect with on LinkedIn.Its important to remember that LinkedIn isnt like other social media sites, where having 1,648 friends (or in this case, connections) makes you the cool kid. Having random connections with even more random people can weaken your brand. And yes, you are your own brand, no matter what industry youre in. Dont feel guilty about decliningrequests from people who have nothing in connection with you or who might not be in your best branding interest.Even if you think that you are totally maxed out time-wise, you definitely have five minutes to spare to spruce up your LinkedIn profile Make those 300 seconds count, and youll soon reap the remote job rewardsDont forget to join the Job Search Group on LinkedIn for more helpful job search info like this

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Job Shadowing and How It Can Help Your Career

Job Shadowing and How It Can Help Your CareerJob Shadowing and How It Can Help Your CareerJob shadowing can be a useful way to learn about a particular job of interest. It involves spending time following a professional in that job. Observing the life of the professional for anywhere from a few hours to as long as a week can help give you a sense of what that job really is like. This can be a great way to learn whether or not a job of interest is right for you. Benefits Job shadowing can be useful in a number of ways. By providing a snapshot of a day in the life of an experienced professional, it can help you decide whether or not you think you would enjoy and feel passionate about the job. It also can help you decide if your skills match the career field of interest and how your skills from school and other jobs might translate to this job. Because job shadowing is a short-term experience, it is a great way to decide whether or not you want to pursue a particular career before a pplying for jobs or internships. Finally, job shadowing helps you develop contacts in your career field of interest. When shadowing someone who is competent in his or her career field, you have the opportunity to gain a useful resource as you begin to seek and apply for jobs and internships. Formal vs. Informal Job shadowing can be done as part of a formal program organized by a high school or university or it can be scheduled informally. To find a formal job shadowing program, check with your high school guidance counselor or your colleges career services office. Schools might also have a list of alumni who are willing to let students job shadow. If you cannot find a formal program through your school, you might meet with a career counselor for help finding a shadowing opportunity. Make a list of potential companies you would like to job shadow at, and then see if anyone in your network works at those companies. You then can reach out to one of them to ask for a job shadowing o pportunity. Some large organizations and government agencies offer job shadowing programs to students. Its a good idea to check out organizations of interest to see if any of them have such a program. Though most job shadowing opportunities are designed for high school or college students to determine ideal career choices, its possible to job shadow as an adult too. It can be a good idea to job shadow if you are thinking of changing careers. You can meet with a career counselor, or get in touch with your college career services office if it provides assistance to alumni. You also can just reach out to professional contacts, friends, and family to see if you can spend a day with them in the office. What Job Shadowing Entails Every job-shadowing experience is different. However, you typically will follow an employee and observe them partaking in their day-to-day work. They might ask you to help with certain tasks as well. Some employees will give you opportunities to ask questions throughout the day, or at the end of the experience. Depending on how long you shadow an employee, you might even learn skills critical to the job. Be Prepared In order to get the most out of a job-shadowing experience, its important to be prepared and to follow some of these tips Prepare questions ahead of time. You likely will have an opportunity to ask the employee questions about the job. While you will come up with questions throughout your experience job shadowing, write down some questions ahead of time.Dress professionally. Because you are going to a persons workplace, you need to dress professionally. What is considered professional depends on the job and the industry. When in doubt, ask your guidance counselor, career counselor, or even the person you are shadowing for advice. Bring something to write on. You will want to take notenzeichens throughout your shadowing experience. You also will want to write down questions that arise. Bring a notepad and pen so you are p repared.Pick a good time. Pick a time to job shadow that works best for you. If you are a student, this might be your summer break, spring break, or winter break. However, you also need to consider the job. For example, if you want to shadow a teacher, it will be hard to find one working in the summer. Take both your schedule and the jobs schedule into account. Follow Up Jobshadowing often is done as a favor from established professionals to help people looking for a job, so if you do come across a job-shadowing opportunity, you should be polite, professional, and grateful for the opportunity. Be sure to write a thank you note to the employee for giving you the opportunity to learn from them. You also might ask to meet with the employee briefly after the job shadowing experience or on the last day you shadow to ask follow-up questions about what you saw and experienced. Be sure to stay in touch with the person you are shadowing - he or she will be invaluable as a networking co ntact as you begin to look for a job.

Friday, December 13, 2019

20 Cool Companies Hiring Interns Now

20 Cool Companies Hiring in eigener saches Now20 Cool Companies Hiring fr sichs Now It may seem as though school just started for undergrads and grad students, but its time to start looking for summer fr sichships . Thats right. Companies are eager to hire smart, forward-thinking students who are looking to get a leg up in their professions. From gaming to healthcare, finance to tech, there is something for everyone.Here are 20 companies hiring interns now. Apply todayOpen in eigener sacheships Research Scientist Intern, Software Engineer Intern, Project Management Intern & more.Details From day one as an Intern, you will be embedded in yur role. We have identified a spot for you for a reason, and want you to feel empowered in your role here. We seek a long-term relationship with you. We hire interns at EA not only for the potential we see in you over the summer, quarter, semester. We hire interns at EA for your long-term potential, hoping you will join us upon gra duation full-time. You will work alongside some of the most talented people in the industry. This is not a passing hello in a hallway, but an in-the-trenches, all-hands-on-deck environment where visionaries mentor visionaries and everyone has a voice.What Interns Say If you like games you should definitely work here. You get a great exposure to the industry you make great connections here. There are a lot of famous people that come in here both in the gaming and entertainment business. You get to the touch the product that basically ships out close to a 200 million dollar revenue. - Former Software Engineer InternOpen Internships NCCS Security Intern, NASA AFRC Internship, Pathways Intern, Engineering Student Trainee, Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) Hardware and Components Analysis Intern, Structural Dynamics Testing Intern & more.Details NASA Internships are educational hands-on opportunities that provide unique NASA-related research and operational experiences for hig h school, undergraduate, and graduate students as well as educators. These internships integrate parteicipants with career professionals emphasizing mentor-directed, degree-related, real-time world task completion. During the internship, participants engage in scientific or engineering research, development, and operations activities. In addition, there are non-technical internship opportunities to engage in professional activities which support NASA business and administrative processes. https//intern.nasa.govWhat Interns Say It was an inviting and great place to work. Amazing location, good fellow employees that enjoyed their job. You really feel like you are making a difference and working toward an important goal. - Former IT Summer InternOpen Internships Data Scientist Intern, SQA Engineer Intern, Inside Sales Business Development Intern, Big Data Engineer Intern, Compensation Itner, Legal Intern & more.Details Palo Alto Networks is the next-generation security company, lea ding a new era in cybersecurity by safely enabling applications and preventing cyber breaches for tens of thousands of organizations worldwide. If you want to make an impact, are motivated, intelligent, creative, and hardworking, then this job is for you Our Summer Internship Program provides you 11 mentorship, fun and engaging events, the opportunity to expand your knowledge and work on challenging projects, connections to interns, recent grads and employees across the company.What Interns Say Culture is one of the key focus areas of PAN. They hire top-notch software developers and this helps them accomplish their goals and build a product. They try to be flat. - Former Software Developer InternOpen Internships Financial Representative Internship, Controllers Accounting Summer Internship, General Business Summer Internship & more.Details An internship with Northwestern Mutual is so much more than a summer job or resume booster. Carefully selected from universities across the co untry, with majors ranging from Accounting to Technology, our interns bring unique ideas and perspectives to our organization. In return, interns gain a real-world business perspective through hands-on learning and meaningful work. Your Northwestern Mutual colleagues will take time to teach you things that you cant learn in the classroom, preparing you for your post-grad opportunity. Youll join a fun and relaxed work culture, enjoy lunch with your colleagues every day, and participate in social, professional, and philanthropic events. Our internship program ensures that you are immersed in everything that Milwaukee and Northwestern Mutual can offer.What Interns Say The full-time representatives really care a lot about the interns. Everyone is willing to offer help and advice. - Former InternOpen Internships Information Technology Development Program Internship, Financial Leadership Program Internship & more.Details Shire is now the leading global biotechnology company focused on serving patients with rare diseases and highly specialized conditions. Over the course of the 12-week program, interns sharpen their skills through a variety of experiences including ownership of daily responsibilities, participation in special projects, and completion of a cross-functional community tafelgeschirr project.What Interns Say Chances to meet so many talented people, the culture of the company is, in general, positive and encouraging to young people. - Current InternOpen Internships Software Engineer, Security Engineer and Product Manager.Details Addepar is the financial operating system that brings common sense and data-driven investing to our financial world. Addepar gives astischset owners and advisors a clearer financial picture at every level, all in one place. The ideal candidate is entrepreneurial-minded and thrives in a fast-paced and goal-driven environment.What Interns Say Very committed and educated people that are constantly pushing to be the best. - F ormer InternOpen Internships Winnipeg Engineering Intern, Marketing Intern, eCommerce Data Science Intern, Sales Intern, Accounting Control Undergraduate Intern & more.Details PepsiCos Marketing internship program is a 10-week summer program between June and August held in each of our three U.S. headquarter locations Chicago, IL (Quaker Foods, Tropicana, Gatorade), White Plains, NY (PepsiCo Beverages) and Plano, TX (Frito Lay). Over the course of 10 weeks, interns will work on impactful business projects and gain valuable hands-on experience while learning from experienced marketing professionals. At the conclusion of the internship, interns will have the opportunity to showcase their project results and internship experience in a presentation to the senior leadership team. Interns have great autonomy as well as full support, guidance, and feedback from their managers and the broad marketing organization throughout the internship.What Interns Say I really enjoyed my time working at the Kansas City manufacturing plant. The company culture is great and my co-workers were extremely supportive. - Former Supply Chain InternOpen Internships Finance Intern, Corporate PR Intern, Intern Account Executive & more.Details Ogilvy & Mather is a leading communications firm looking for interns. The interns will work to develop a broad understanding of the business by performing a range of well-defined assignments. The interns are fully integrated members of the team and will work on a variety of accounts and levels.What Interns Say It was an awesome learning experience. I was fortunate enough to work alongside some of the most creative and brilliant people while interning at Ogilvy. It looks great on your resume - Former Marketing InternOpen Internships IT Intern, Infrastructure Site Analyst Intern & more.Details Colgate-Palmolive is a leading global consumer products company, tightly focused on Oral Care, Personal Care, Home Care and Pet Nutrition. Colgate-Palmoliv e Company invites applications for the position of Production Control Internship in our Global Information Technology division. The Production Control Internship for Colgate-Palmolive will act as a key contact in our Production Control command center which handles all network, hardware, and business processes globally. This position is located in our office at 909 River Road, Piscataway, NJ.What Interns Say Very good company atmosphere and culture. Supportive superiors. Good learning opportunities. A lot of extracurricular activities to be involved in. - Former Corporate Finance InternOpen Internships Logistics Intern, Procurement Intern, Technology Intern, menschlich Resources Intern, Agronomist Intern & more.Details Is sitting on the beach not your idea of a great summer? Then our Internship Programs are the perfect opportunity to make a big impact when you are out of class. Unlike traditional internship programs, our interns arent stuck in the mailroom they are assigned to a strategic project in order to learn and make a big impact in just a couple months. Each of our Internship Programs is a direct feeder into our full-time trainee programs. Theres no coffee run or making copies here. An impactful, challenging summer at AB will let you prove your mettle and ability to produce results so you can join our team. Interns Say You are given your own intern project that has a real effect on the process. Includes presentation to senior management at end of intern period. - Former InternOpen Internships Accounting Summer Intern, Finance Summer Intern, Sales Internship & more.Details In addition to an outstanding work environment with rapid advancement potential, Gartner associates enjoy exceptional compensation and benefits, including an upbeat, positive culture. Integrity, objectivity, collaboration, results and a no-limits mindset are central to our values. We work with you to help you meet y our goals and advance within the company. Encouragement to be innovative and challenge status quo. Exposure to industry leading training and development. Performance-based recognition and rewards.What Interns Say I was a former intern in the summer of 2013 for 2 months and it was one of the best internships I had. My direct supervisor exposed me to different projects under various senior consultants between their 2 client offices in NYC and they all truly care for their interns growth and success. They try to teach you as much as they can and they try to expose you to their clients. Till this day, I still keep in contact with them and theyre my mentors. Pay was also pretty good. I got $15/hour and 95% of the time, youre indoors with AC. I took a lot away from this internship more than anything else. - Former InternOpen Internships Fire Investigative Intern, Business Intelligence Intern, Geospatial Intern, Summer 2018 Bond & Specialty Insurance Underwriting Internship, Summer 2018 Claim Professional Development Program Internship & more.Details Dynamic, diverse and ever-changing theres more to the insurance industry than you might expect. And theres more to Travelers. We offer a variety of full-time and internship opportunities designed to help students and graduates to launch rewarding careers.What Interns Say Travelers very much views its leadership development interns as an investment in talent, and as such is puts in a startling amount of time and money into trainings as well as very competitive compensation packages. Personally, I worked with a great team and finished my summer internship confident in the knowledge I had learned a great deal from them as well as helping them with their workload. - Former InternOpen Internships Project Management Intern, Investment Sales Intern, Research Intern, VBA Programmer Intern, Client Accounting Intern & more.Details Cushman & Wakefield is a global leader in commercial real estate services, helping clients t ransform the way people work, shop, and live. This is an opportunity to develop a career within a firm that ranks among the very best and with clear promotion chances. The reward and opportunities available are second to none. Cushman & Wakefield recognizes commitment, initiative, decision-making ability and hard work and rewards accordingly.What Interns Say My experience at C&W was my first internship experience and it ended up being a very insightful summer. I was always included in the groups activities and walked away with a very diverse look at all of their tasks. The people I worked with were very intelligent and pleasant, and were always patient and willing to help me learn as much as possible by giving me a hands-on approach to the projects they were working on. - Former Global Treasury InternOpen Internships Marketing Intern, Finance MBA Intern, Software Test Engineer Intern, VLSI Design Intern, Legal Summer Intern, Cyber Security Investigations & eDiscovery Intern & mor e.Details At Hewlett Packard Enterprise, we dont just believe in the power of technology, we believe in the power of people when technology works for them. We believe in applying new thinking and ideas to improve the way our customers live and work. Learning does not only happen through training. Relationships are among the most powerful ways for people to learn and grow, and this is part of our HPE culture. In addition to working alongside talented colleagues, you will have many opportunities to learn through coaching and stretch assignment opportunities. Youll be guided by feedback and support to accelerate your learning and maximize your knowledge. We also have a reverse mentoring program which allows us to share our knowledge and strengths across our multi-generation workforce.What Interns Say Amazing group of people to work with. As an intern I was able to work on a variety of projects, I felt like I had a real impact on the company. All of my mentors were very knowledgeable and more than willing to answer any questions I had. I would definitely work for them again. - Former Mechanical Engineering InternOpen Internships Quantitative Trading Intern, Software Development Intern, Spring Quantitative Trading Intern & more.Details You are a full-time student pursuing a Bachelors, Masters or PhD degree in computer science, engineering, mathematics and related fields.You want to be the bridge between computer science and financial markets. You are talented, driven, and hungry for a challenge. You believe that theres no limit to what we can accomplish together in a creative, collaborative setting which pairs passion with brilliance. If you refuse to settle for a career that offers anything less, we want to meet youWhat Employees Say I get to work with a great team of very smart and driven individuals. There is a lot of opportunities to work on projects that really interest you. I also get a sense of pride from working for a leader in the HFT world. Side not e you cant beat Towers rooftop and awesome parties - Current ManagerOpen Internships DevOps Engineering Intern, Development Engineering Intern, Legal Intern, Global Insights Intern, Integrated Marketing Intern, Systems Engineering Architecture Intern, Corporate IT Engineering Intern & more.Details This paid internship requires an average availability of 40 hours per week during the summer of 2018 in Gogos main office located in Chicago, IL. Interns are full-fledged members of the team engaged from day one through structured training, mentorship, a diverse set of experiences, a network of peers across the company, and leadership opportunities. Our internship program is designed to provide exposure to real, complex operational projects in which you will be working with a variety of people in different business functions. Ideal candidates are top-performing students who excel at analytic problem solving and have a desire to re-engineer processes, quantify business impacts, understan d corporate legal departments, and be part of major corporate initiatives.What Employees Say Great work/life balance. Fast paced leading edge tech company. Opportunities to learn new things come up regularly. People are open and encourage to new ideas and ways of thinking. - Current EmployeeOpen Internships Legal Intern, Risk Analysis Intern, Graphic Design Intern, Reports Desk Intern, Communications Intern, Funding Operations Intern & more.Details The PCAOB is seeking highly motivated individuals for paid, full-time and part-time positions throughout the year. Successful candidates will provide support to the PCAOBs Office of Economic and Risk Analysis (ERA) in the Washington, DC headquarters. ERA identifies and analyzes emerging audit and accounting issues that might present an elevated risk of audit failure, and communicates ansicht risks to the PCAOBs other divisions. As an Intern, you will gain significant exposure to the trends and developments affecting accounting and the auditing profession.What Interns Say Provides the opportunity to learn about how to determine the overall health of a company. Have the chance to meet high-ranking members of the board. The Analysts are very interested in your well being. - Former Risk Analysis InternOpen Internships Healthcare IT Business Intern, Purchase-to-Pay Intern, Learning & Development Intern, Thermo-Mechanical Engineer Intern, HR Intern, eCommerce Marketing Management Intern & more.Details Are you a student or recent graduate ready to start an amazing career? Perhaps youve already got some work experience and want to find a role where youll be able to make a difference and improve peoples lives. At Philips youll work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment, contributing to projects that make a real impact on peoples lives across the world. Together with colleagues from many different cultures and areas of expertise, youll quickly be given responsibility and space and support to develop and grow in ways th at will surprise and delight you. https// Interns Say Great way to obtain experience in engineering while going to school. Ability to talk to really smart people and get a perspective that school cant provide. - Former Mechanical Engineering InternOpen Internships Consumer Underwriting Intern, HR Internship Program, Liabilities and Financial Lines Underwriting Internship, Individual Personal Insurance Rotation Internship & more.Details The Summer Internship Program lasts approximately 10 weeks and is targeted to students entering the final year of their undergraduate or graduate education. After 3 days of orientation and intensive training, summer interns will join one of our business lines, each of which offers a unique opportunity to obtain core technical knowledge and professional skills in a diverse and global environment. In addition to the experience acquired on the job, summer interns have the opportunity to learn directly from sen ior management, and participate in webinars, discussion forums, and networking receptions.What Interns Say Great people, and great first internship experience - Current InternOpen Internships Manufacturing Division Summer Internship, Vaccine BPRD Summer Intern, Publications Coordinator Summer Intern, Global Marketing Intern, Corporate Responsibility Internship & more.Details Merck is a global healthcare leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, vaccines and animal health products. Join a program that provides exemplary students with the opportunity to work on meaningful assignments and gain real word experiences. Internships are 9- to 11-week assignments between June and August.What Interns Say The directors and executives I worked with were so knowledgeable and kind. They welcomed my input and were always available to answer any questions I had. They treated the interns like gold. I couldnt have asked for a better experience. - Former Global Marketing I ntern

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Customer Service Resume Skills - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt

Customer Service Resume Skills - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt As you take an increasingly proactive approach to every interaction, you will be able to boost your abilities and performance continually. Listening skills are equally as essential as communication abilities. Teamwork Skills Teamwork skills are an important portion of giving awesome support. Everyone can benefit from improving their customer tafelgeschirr abilities. Fortunately, there are a couple of allgemeingltig skills which every support member can master that will dramatically enhance their conversations with customers. Writing is one important process which most represents the on-line world. Concentrate on key skills After your professional summary that you want to include a crucial skills section in the center of your resume. Specifically, resume writing is among the most searched topics on the web. One of the absolute most important customer service skills to have is being in a pos ition to determine whether an individual is being honest or attempting to deceive you. The ones youll be able to see in the original job posting. Like a football team working with each other to prepare the ideal goal, every one on the team has a particular part to play in accomplishing tasks at work. You have to be in a position to listen and actually involve yourself in just what the customer is telling you about their circumstance. The Secret to Customer Service Resume Skills For the reason, its important to have a top quality cv or resume that stand out from the others. Flexibility A slight bending of the rules to fit the requirements of the customer isnt necessarily something that ought to be discouraged. If he is experiencing a problem with a particular product then a good working knowledge of the product can resolve the problem quickly. If you dont know the remedy to an issue, the best type of support professional will find a customer over to someone who does. For in stance, you could be in a role that gives services to other, internal teams. Even if youre an excellent employee, odds are, you might wind up being lost in a pile of unprocessed resumes. Even in circumstances where a recruiter may look at a resume the very first time, you would like your resume to be readily found once its entered in the database, she states. Some customer service resume samples are offered online, and they might have the ability to offer additional practical tips regarding inclusions, but they might not always have the most optimum structure. The Dos and Donts of Customer Service Resume Skills Ensure you know all the advantages of the merchandise or services your business provides and convey them to your customers. Customer service emphasizes the happiness and satisfaction of current and prospective customers, but every individual you encounter on the work likely has unique requirements or a different idea of succeeding. People today research the current ma rket, identify opportunities and win the clients. Research those feasible careers and set up information interviews to find out more about jobs and companies in the business.Enable the experts at Monster show you the type of attention that you show to customers. The majority of them come from angry clients. For instance, if you work as a digital assistant for a technology company, you can want to assist customers troubleshoot difficulties with their devices. As you ought to be friendly with your clients, bear in mind that you arent there to share your life story. The Lost Secret of Customer Service Resume Skills Experience of internship demonstrates that youre exposed to professional environment and youre actively on the lookout for improved career alternatives. Functional resumes can be quite helpful in showcasing someones skills and experience to a prospective employer whos seeking to fill a position. Clear communication is vital in customer service you must be aware of w hat the customer wants and be in a position to articulate what you could do for the customer. Reviewing customer feedback may provide you a different sense of your present customer service abilities than that which youll receive internally from management or colleagues. Do not watch for the client to confront you about being late. If he has a problem with a product or service, focus on what you can do to help him or her. There are lots of choices in regards to selecting a resume format. You can readily locate resume-builder software online that provide functional resume formatting templates. It is essential that you can type quickly so that customers do not need to wait and that you fully grasp the principles of working with a computer and software so you can properly perform your job.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why a Good Hiring Process Matters - Spark Hire

Why a Good Hiring Process Matters - Spark HireHiring is an essential part of keeping a business moving forward, but for many managers the hiring process is also slightly overwhelming. It takes a significant amount of time and energy, plus there doesnt always appear to be a proper method to the madness. If youre looking to beef up your hiring process, ensuring that youre only bringing top talent on board, consider these pointsMake it easy for people to applyIdeally the people who are applying for your positions are already working in high-powered jobs in your field. Therefore, they dont want to be jumping through hoops when they want to apply to your position. In order to encourage desirable talent to apply, youll need to make the process easy for them. Forms should be self-explanatory and available online.Put pre-screening steps in placeYour time is valuable, and if youre blocking out hours a day to speak to candidates who simply arent qualified, youll find that hiring quickly become s a time suck. To prevent this from happening, youll want to put some pre-screening measures or hiring tests in place so that youre only interviewing those who would truly be a good fit for the role that you have available. These requirements will vary based on your company, industry, and the open position, but setting some standards is necessary.Create standard interview questionsPutting standard interview questions in place makes the process fair for all candidates, and it cuts down on aggravation for you. Its much easier to compare candidates when everyone has answered the same questions. Now youre comparing apples to apples instead of apples and oranges.Dont forget about references and background checksA parties references can help to paint a more 3D picture about what this individual is like as an employee. While it takes time to contact references, doing so helps to prevent you from making a hiring decision youll later regret.Add in additional components to the interviewWhile having a discussion about the job with the candidate is important, dont be afraid to get creative with how you interview. If the job has a lot of hands-on requirements, you might want to have candidates demonstrate their work during the interview. Its easy for a person to talk about the job and what theyd do if they received an offer, but having potential hires actually show their work can help you to verify that they truly are a good fit.Taking some time to review your companys hiring process allows you to make necessary tweaks in order to improve it, making it more pleasant for candidates and for those doing the interviewing.Image Jakub Jirsak/

Thursday, November 28, 2019

JPMorgan Raking It In While Competitors Struggle

JPMorgan Raking It In While Competitors StruggleJPMorgan Raking It In While Competitors StruggleA few days after topping Institutional Investors All-America Research Analyst poll for the first time, JPMorgan Chase revealed that it booked $4.42 billion in net income for the third quarter 2010.The firms reported earnings beat analysts estimates and were 23 percent higher than its third quarter 2009 net income. However, overall revenue fell by 15 percent, and the banks fixed-income, currency and commodity trading business (which had been killing it earlier in the year) had a tough three months, with revenue falling by 14 percent.Still, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has much to be happy about his competitors, including Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and Wells Fargo, all of which will be revealing their third quarter results in the coming days, are expected to report significant decreases in overall earnings, not increases.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What Your Video Interview Background Really Says About You

What Your Video Interview Background Really Says About YouWhat Your Video Interview Background Really Says About YouIn a way, verbunden video interviews are an unusual, new frontier for job applicants. Job interviews are the places where youre expected to present the utmost professionalism, and paradoxically, an online video interview lets the interviewer into your most personal and private space- your home.And still, interviewing from your home is your best bet. In a public space, you lose all control over background noises or your www connection, and if your answers interrupted by barking dogs or your call drops, you may come off as careless and unprepared.Now that youre interviewing from home instead of at the companys headquarters, its imperative you prepare your video interview setting just as much as your wardrobe and answers. After all, you only get one chance to make a good impression.What interviewers see in your background is just as revealing about your potential as a cand idate as what youre saying.Wonder what your video interview background really says about you? Weve got the scoop.For example, if the background for your online video interviews isYour home library.You Think It Says Im well-read and intellectual.What HR Really Thinks I already spotted your Twilight series, and Im busy trying to read the rest of those titles sideways.Your shelves of souvenirs from traveling.You Think It Says Im well-traveled, cultured, and adventurous.What HR Really Thinks Im not sure souvenir shot glasses are a sign of culture, but they do tell me a lot about your personal habits.A wide view of your clean, sunlit living room.You Think It Says Im organized and dependable.What HR Really Thinks What did you say? Your cats walking by chasing something, and I cant stop watching.Limiting Distractions in Video InterviewsThe point is, often the settings you choose for online video interviews are packed with distractions, and if theres something even slightly embarrassing or scandalous to find, someone will find it. While you think youre showcasing your personality, really youre introducing new distractions to the interview.Think about it. When you go to the interviewers office or conference room, youre in their environment, which is familiar and, in turn, less distracting. Now that youre on video, youre introducing an entirely new environment to the interviewer, and the more new objects there are for them to look at, the more distracted theyll be. Just like anyone else, your interviewer has a short attention span (in fact, the average is eight seconds).And although video offers more engagement than phone interviews, theres still a screen separating you. That means your interviewer may have other distractions on their side of the screen, too, on top of whats in your background.Yes, you want to convey authenticity, trustworthiness, and warmth, but your video background shouldnt be doing that for you. Instead of risking distractions or negative impression s, you need to control the setting so that the only thing the interviewer focuses on is you.So whats the best setting to interview from home? A clean, uncluttered, well-lit, neutral backdrop like a wall, screen, or panel of curtains. Otherwise, its too easy to overlook objects that may catch your interviewers eye in a badeanstalt way since you see them every day.Now that youve cleaned up your background, stress less about using the video interviewing software. Check out these four things to do before your next video interview.Ashley Speagle lives in Atlanta and works as a communications specialist forPGi, a leading global provider of collaboration software and services for over 20 years. PGi is constantly innovating, developing new technologies to make virtual meetings easier and more productive than ever before. Learn more at PGis blog, The Future of Business Collaboration.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tips for Staying Positive During Your Job Search

Tips for Staying Positive During Your Job SearchTips for Staying Positive During Your Job SearchThere are a number of great resources that can help job seekers prepare for an interview- a quick Google search will yield advice on what to wear, what to do before the interview, what questions to ask during the interview, how and when to write a thank you elende post-interviewthe list goes on. While the hard skills are critical, our team at ResumeSpice believes its just as important to develop a healthy mindset going into the process. Below are some tips for calming the nerves and getting into the right frame a mind, so you can perform your best.Preparation is KeyPre-interview stress is normal. Its your bodys natural way of preparing you for something significant and for fruchtwein people, a healthy amount of stress helps them get ready to perform. However, if your stress level is bordering on high-anxiety, that can certainly have a negative effect in an interview setting. What we recomm end is to prepare the questions youre most likely to be asked and then practice answering aloud, either in the mirror or to a friend. The practice and preparation will help take the edge off and give you the confidence that you are ready for (almost) anything you may face in an interview setting. Next, envision a positive outcome. Imagine yourself smiling at the interviewer, shaking their hand firmly, and then answering every question with confidence and poise. Imagine yourself shaking the interviewers hand at the conclusion of the meeting and then expressing interest in the role. Between your preparation and envisioning techniques, youll be amazed at the positive effect on your confidence.Put Your Old Journal to UseKeeping a log of your interviews and progress can be an extremely valuable resource tool. If you are actively searching, keep a log of your interviews, note your areas of strength, questions you struggled with, and how you would approach the question the next time youre asked. This can also serve as a nice record for contacts, reminder to send thank you notes, and a record of your progress. If you find yourself in a rut or becoming pessimistic, your log can help serve as a reminder of your progress and the network youre developing. You never know when someone you meet during the interview process might turn into a future co-worker, boss, or even a customer.Capitalize on Your StrengthsWe all have unique strengths and your future employer needs to know what they are. This doesnt mean you will not be asked about your weaknesses during your interview. In fact, you most likely will. However, by knowing what your strengths are, you will have the ammunition to nail that question. When responding to questions about weaknesses or disappointing situations, tell a story about how you overcame your weakness (preferably a weakness that is unimportant to the job youre applying for) using your strength.Take a WalkThe power of nature is far too underestimated. Its well-known that walking and exploring nature improves mood and short-term memory by decreasing blood sugar, cortisol (stress hormones), and rumination (repetitive negative thinking). Yet many of us regularly ignore that advice. Even during a stressful job search process, its important to take of yourself and take a walk. The benefits of a 30 minute walk will likely outweigh that of an extra thirty minutes in front of a computer.Let us HelpPreparing for a job search isnt easy, but the good news is that you dont have to go about it alone. If you need help with interview preparation or marketing yourself to employers by creating a great resume, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile,contact the career consultants at Resume Spice today. Let us help